Training events
The R for HTA consortium at large organises a series of training events revolved around the use of R specifically for applications in health technology assessment and cost-effectiveness/utility analyses.
Here is a list of ours as well as external training events that are relevant. If you organise a short course or summer school in similar topics and would like us to link to it, contact us!
Summer school: Bayesian methods in health economics. Organised annually by Gianluca Baio and featuring also Howard Thom, Nicky Welton and other colleagues. Next running: TBC Summer 2025
Short course: Economic Evaluation and Modelling Using R. Organised by Howard Thom, Padraig Dixon and Nicky Welton. Next running: 14 July 2025
Short course: Introduction to R for Health Economic Evaluation. Organised by Robert Smith and Paul Schneider. Next running: Always running (Monthly)
Short course: R-HTA in LMIC Tutorials. Organised by the R-HTA LMIC Chapter. Next running: TBC
Short course: Making Health Economic Models Shiny. Organised by Robert Smith and Paul Schneider. Next running: Feb 2025
Short course: Efficient Microsimulation Modelling in R. Organised by Robert Smith and Wael Mohammed. Next running: Always running (Monthly)
Short course: Automating Health Economic Evaluation in R. Organised by Robert Smith. Next running: Always running (Monthly)
Short course: Packaging Cost-effectiveness Models in R. Organised by Robert Smith and Wael Mohammed. Next running: Always running (Monthly)
Other (non-health-economics) R courses:
Short course: Introduction to Data Visualisation and Web Applications in R at the University of Bristol. Next running: 3-4 February 2025
Short course: Introduction to R at the University of Bristol Next running: 21-22 November 2024
Short course: R: An Introduction at UCL. Next running: TBC