R for trial and model-based cost-effectiveness analysis

9 July 2019, University College London

Training event (8 July): Torrington (1-19) B07 - Teal Room in Torrington Place, 1-19 (https://goo.gl/maps/RtR3Ypug2Dq), University College London, United Kingdom

Main workshop (9 July): Anatomy G29 J Z Young Lecture Theatre, UCL Medical Sciences and Anatomy (https://goo.gl/maps/biryoFc9CiL2), University College London, United Kingdom.

Background and objectives

It is our pleasure to announce a workshop and training event on the use of R for trial and model-based cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA). This follows our successful workshop on R for CEA in 2018.

Our event will begin with a half-day short course on R for decision trees and Markov models and the use of the BCEA package for graphical and statistical analysis of results; this will be delivered by Gianluca Baio of UCL and Howard Thom of Bristol University.

This will be followed by a one-day workshop in which we will present a wide variety of technical aspects by experts from academia, industry, and government institutions (including NICE). Topics will include decision trees, Markov models, discrete event simulation, integration of network meta-analysis, extrapolation of survival curves, and development of R packages.

We will include a pre-workshop virtual code challenge on a problem set by our scientific committee. This will take place over Github and a Slack channel with participants encouraged to submit final R code solutions for peer review on efficiency, flexibility, elegance and transparency. Prizes will be provided for the best entry.

Participants are also invited to submit abstracts for potential oral presentations. An optional dinner and networking event will be held on the evening of 8th July.

Fees and a preliminary programme are provided below.

EventDateFeeAvailable places
Short course introduction to R for CEA modellingMonday 8 July£15020
Networking event DinnerMonday 8 July£30
R for CEA workshopTuesday 9 July£60120


Day 1: Introduction to R for Cost-Effectiveness Modelling. Monday 8th July.

  • 13:00-13:15. Howard Thom. Welcome and introductions
  • 13:15-13:45. Howard Thom. Building a decision tree in R
  • 13:45-14:15. Gianluca Baio. Using BCEA to summarise outputs of an economic model
  • 14:15-14:45. Practical 1 (Decision trees)
  • 14:45-15:00. Coffee break
  • 15:00-15:45. Howard Thom. R for building Markov models
  • 15:45-16:15. Gianluca Baio. Further use of BCEA
  • 16:15-17:00. Practical 2 (Markov models)

Day 2: Workshop. Tuesday 9th July.

Scientific Committee

Howard Thom, University of Bristol
Gianluca Baio, University College London
Anthony Hatswell, Delta Hat Limited and University College London
Nathan Green, Imperial College London
Iryna Schlackow, University of Oxford
Claire Williams, University of Bristol
Pedro Saramago Goncalves, University of York
Padraig Dixon, University of Bristol
Boby Mihaylova, University of Oxford
Nicky Welton, University of Bristol

Gianluca Baio
Gianluca Baio
Professor of Statistics and Health Economics